Cyber security leadership to make your organisation cyber secure

Cyber security leadership to make your organisation cyber secure

by Adam
July 7, 2022

We live in a digital world. Cyber attacks are more frequent and have more serious consequences than ever. Cyber security must become a priority for business, so we must rethink what cyber security is. Efficient communication in the organisation builds a healthy cyber security culture. Cyber security leadership is the approach to efficient communication in the organisation. 

What is leadership? What is cyber security leadership, and why is it important? This blog is about seeing cyber security leadership with a new approach to it.

What is Leadership?

Leadership can be described as influencing feelings, values, and thinking through interpersonal communication. Leadership is built and earned, and thus, is a complex and ongoing interplay in the process. There are many types of leadership, e.g. managerial, transformational, servant, and thought. So what is the type that can sustain leadership in cyber security?

What is Cyber Security Leadership?

Cyber security leadership as cyber security itself experiences transformational changes today. With the Covid-19 outbreak, there should be a large-scale adaption to digitalisation and hybrid modes. With the new environment, a new format and new rules are needed.

Cyber security leaders need to possess team-building skills in addition to technical ones. Cyber security leaders should be capable of understanding cultural, behavioural, communication, and socioeconomic factors within the organisation.   

Cyber security leadership should be responsive, meaning that cyber security leaders should know how to behave during cyber security crises. Employees identify their leaders through the leader’s ability to relationship-building and capacity to support. They are capable of listening and identifying their employees’ needs. They are open to communication and foster positive behavioural change.

Why is Cyber Security Leadership important?

To be an effective leader, one must first serve. Such leadership is inspiration, equality, and guidance. It guides a change based on a personal example and thus, encourages employees to succeed. 

Such transformational changes focus on helping employees understand their tasks, the values of their job, and how to improve their performance. Thus, cyber security leadership cannot be eliminated to one kind. 

Modern cyber security leaders possess:

  • Relationship-building skills
  • Team-building skills
  • Ability to build trust in the workplaces
  • Ability to active listening
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • Guiding
  1. Cyber security leaders foster a cyber security culture. They understand employees’ behaviour, bring cyber security awareness to employees, and create cyber security values for them. It is their responsibility to teach employees to identify phishing attempts and create a behavioural pattern on how to tackle those attempts.
  2. Building cyber security hygiene is a cyber security leaders’ priority. It is important to keep identifying cyber security vulnerabilities and closing that gap with a vulnerability management strategy. 
  3. Cyber security leaders should work toward preventing data leaks. That means monitoring abnormal behaviour in a timely way.

All in all, cyber security is becoming more of a popular topic for discussion. The business world is changing and companies are experiencing the pressure to upgrade their cyber security. Cyber security is a growing field and a part of a digital transformation.

MonkPhish is the solution to upgrade cyber security in the organisation and an engaging tool for cyber security leaders. 

Find out more by contacting us.

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