Learn to create a Culture of Cyber Security

Learn to create a Culture of Cyber Security

by Adam
July 14, 2022

The culture of cyber security is the key to a successful organisational cyber security. It is the alignment of the whole cyber security staff, their skill sets, and the corporate culture. What is corporate culture, and how is it different from cyber security culture? In this blog, we will try to cover the concept of cyber security culture and its main structural assets.

What is a Culture of Cyber Security?

The concept of culture refers to establishing communication, traditions, organisational attributes, and an employee’s brand identity. 

What does cyber security culture refer to? 

The concept of cyber security culture refers to the knowledge, norms, and values of the human capital in the organisation. For cyber security culture, it is important to have the recognition that it is people who make an organisation secure. 

Human capital engagement is the key to a healthy cybersecurity culture. It starts with understanding people’s mindset and behaviour and finishes with eliminating human factors and cyber risks. 

Open communication is the key to sustaining a healthy cybersecurity culture. Employees’ voices are a valuable asset in improving the performance of an organisation’s cyber security posture. Such communication helps identify people’s concerns and close the vulnerability gap. Such communication also comes with being a collaborative communication in the organisation. It is important to maintain the constant engagement of full-scale organisational human capital in cyber security. 

What are the assets of a Culture of Cyber Security?

Developing a cyber security culture might be considered even more important than technological solutions. Cyber security culture helps employees share knowledge and build new skills through learning from personal experiences; an active conversation between cyber security leaders and teams helps identify cyber security risks and isolate potential cyber security incidents.

  1. Cyber security leaders should gain employee support. It is the way to sustain a conversation about cyber security and its impact on the organisation, explain its values, and ensure that employees apply values in their daily routine. 
  2. It is important to increase engagement in cyber security at all departments-scale. It is a way to ensure that everyone is aligning with the organisational vision towards its goals. 
  3. Eliminate the culture of shame. Human errors in cyber risk are caused in most cases. However, the blame that employees feel does not help build a healthy cyber security culture. It can be achieved through developing constant cyber security awareness, making cyber security a daily routine, and helping employees understand how they can avoid such mistakes by encouraging them to report phishing.
  4. Employees should feel comfortable asking for help and not receive punishment. It is the only way to gain trust in cyber security and organisation, and build new positive behavioural patterns. 
  5. Cyber security culture must consist of a lively conversation. Keeping employees updated and upskilled on the topic of cyber security creates confidence among them. It is also important to speak to your employees about cyber security in the language they understand. This way it brings clearance and a sense of relation where employees can apply cyber security measures in workplaces. 

Today, employees are the cyber security defenders in an organisation. With a strong cyber security culture, employees will take their cyber responsibilities seriously. Employees will continue being the final line of defence of an organisation’s cyber security. Healthy cybersecurity culture guarantees empowered employees to take on their cyber responsibility.

One of the ways to upgrade organisational cyber security routine is to create new initiatives. MonkPhish introduces a gaming approach to cyber security. It is a healthy, competitive training where employees learn the value of reporting phishing attempts and sharing experiences. 

Contact us to learn more.  

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