9 Tips on How to Survive a Spear Phishing Attack

9 Tips on How to Survive a Spear Phishing Attack

by Adam
August 17, 2021

If you haven’t heard about spear phishing before then it’s a good thing you’re here.

You should know that spear phishing is an attempt by a cyber criminal to trick people into giving out personal information.

You may have even have been fooled by one without your knowledge.

If you want to know how to spot a phishing attack then you need to know what to look out for.

Know your enemy.

Spear phishing is the most dangerous form of phishing. It’s an attack that is highly targeted towards you as a person.

It’s easy to fall for a spear phishing attack if you’re not expecting it.

These emails direct users to a fraudulent websites where they are requested to enter personal information.

Never immediately click on links in emails.

Spear phishing e-mails can be very sophisticated and can include links, graphics and text that are designed to closely resemble the design of a legitimate website.

Check the URL address of the link before clicking.

Links tend to try an mimic the legitimate URL of the website.

Sometimes they just change one letter or create a subdomain that looks like a legitimate one.

Before you click – STOP!

It’s important to not just click on links without checking.

It’s important to change your behaviour and not be on autopilot when reading your emails.

Use Two-Factor Authentication.

You should use strong authentication methods that prevent criminals accessing your accounts without another method to confirm your login.

Don’t give away your personal info on sites that you are not familiar with.

Spear phishing directs users to enter details at fake websites whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one.

They also sometimes try to get you to send the information back in an email.

Watch out for fake callers.

Social engineering attacks are on the rise and scammers are using different channels attack.

You might get fake callers calling you to give up your passwords and personal details.

Don’t get caught out, if in doubt, hang up, and call the business yourself directly.

Don’t ignore the signs, phishing attacks are on the rise.

Spear phishing attacks are nothing new. They’ve been around for a while now and they are just getting more and more sophisticated with each passing day.

The worst part is, you might not even realize that you’re ignoring a spear phishing attack until it’s too late.

You might think you are too smart to be fooled, but don’t let your guard down.

We hope you enjoyed our article on how to survive a spear phishing attack.

We want to remind our readers to always be wary for spear phishing emails and never reveal private information to those who you do not trust.

If you ever receive a spear phishing email, please contact your IT or cybersecurity team immediately!

We hope you will find our article to be useful and informative.

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